Thursday, March 17, 2011

We've Got Parking for Your for SXSW-- Fret Not!

Yes, it's true-- once again SXSW has taken over the city and South Congress is packed, packed, packed. No need to shy away though. You can still find parking so you can get that yarn you need RIGHT NOW. We even have some pictures so you can have a visual aid and know exactly where these extra spots are. If you double park, please let someone at the front desk know so if someone needs to get out we can ask you to move. Please do NOT double park and then go wandering off down South Congress. Here are the pics:

You can park in the gravel spots at the green house but please do NOT park behind the boat.

You can park in the driveway of the shop.

You can park in the alley next to KnitBuzz.

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