Monday, September 7, 2009

FALL in Love!

Okay People! It's Labor Day-- yay! I hope all y'all are off from work and can head down to the shop. As you will see in the glorious photos below, we got big, fat, delicious shipments of fall yarns and accessories. I am psyched. And if you think the pictures are gorgeous, wait until you see this stuff up close, and run your fingers over it. So lovely.

I am also psyched that, at least in our imaginations, the weather will be cooling down soon. Even though I've been in Texas eighteen years as of today, I am-- don't hold it against me-- a Yankee by birth. And so my mind always thinks of Labor Day as the time to bust out the warm clothes. Even if it's really not time for that here in Texas, you can get a jump on knitting some lovely sweaters and socks now, so you'll be ready when our one week of winter hits around New Year's Day. For my part, I'm about 3/4ths of the way through an ear-flap hat made that I'm making with some gorgeous hand-spun, hand-dyed Manos de Uruguay. I think when I finish I'm going to crank the a/c down to 60 and wear it around the house in eager anticipation of when it actually drops down to 60.

I do want to point out that we do not "summer in love" or "winter in love." Maybe some of y'all "spring into love." But really, more often than not, we "FALL in love," right? So come FALL in love with all the great new stuff. And don't forget Fran's sweater class starts this Sunday, September 13th, so call down the shop if you want to sign up.

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